“In these drawings by Oswaldo Viteri - an inescapable man of his time - it is possible to associate not a few of the movements that have lately vitalized art. I think of Alcopley, although it is eminently pictographic; in a Soulages, less linear; in Kline; in the informalist spots by Emilio Vedoya; in the inked adventure of Pollock and in the expressionistic blots of our Saura, under which a new figuration pulsates. [...]”
It is recognized for its unique language that both in drawing and in painting and other media such as its assemblages, has made evident the permanent reflection and the need to put in value the American identity, in particular the Andean - Ecuadorian, always in dialogue with modernity and postmodernity in art. In this sense, the concept of mestizaje or rich hybridization have been its mainstays of exploration that are translated into works that collect the vestiges of ancestral traditions in dialogue with the contributions of the avant-garde and post-avant-garde. At 87, she continues her work in her home studio, also known for hosting one of the best private art collections in the country.
Oswaldo Viteri (Ambato, Ecuador.1931) is one of the great exponents of Ecuadorian plastic art of the second half of the twentieth century and whose intense trajectory continues to the present. His work is multifaceted, as has been his training both academic (architecture) and non-academic (art and anthropology), and has been especially his plastic and intellectual concerns that have led him to explore with great rigor and freedom at the same time, countless media and themes throughout different stages and series that unfold throughout its vast trajectory.
77 X 108 cm 1960
Discover the career of Oswaldo Viteri. Biography, exhibitions, museums and collections. Awards and decorations.
Assemblies, Paintings, Drawings, Serigraphs among other works of art made by the artist. Series and unique pieces.
Oswaldo Viteri has been part of some important publications in the art world. Reviews, books and catalogues.
“Because Viteri is a great artist, and, like every great artist, fulfills, for his time, which is our time, prophetic mission. In your case, agonizing and in its last stretch without any concession. That’s why, so powerful. That’s why he is so endearing, so movingly human.”